8-Bit Theater
Episode 1117
Better safe than sorry.
Better safe than sorry.
Kind Of A Raw Deal
Date Published Thursday, April 16, 2009
Previous Comic Episode 1116: Too Many Bosses
Next Comic Episode 1118: Battle Royale
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Black Mage chokes on his endless rage.

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Black Mage Hold it!
Black Mage (at Red Mage) I thought you were dead! And then I set you on fire to make sure.
Red Mage Oh, it's quite simple, really.
Black Mage Yeah, I doubt that.
Red Mage I looked 'pon the datasphere and my mind burst. I became a part of everything.
For one perfect instant I knew the position and velocity of all creation.

Calling it merely "beautiful" or "enlightening" only insults the experience. We are as a mote of dust resting on a masterpiece.
Red Mage Black Mage.
I know all the moves in the game.
Black Mage Okay. Let me see if I've got this.
Muffin Excuse us.
Black Mage You shut the goddamn hell up, super monsters.
Black Mage I "get" to learn magic abilities if I am lucky enough to survive them being cast on me.

So far this consists of a crotch kick and puking out my organs.
You get total enlightenment by looking at a box.
Red Mage Yup.
Black Mage I'm going to choke on my endless rage now. Excuse me.
Black Mage Ghkk!