8-Bit Theater
Episode 513
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Thus Spoke Sardathustra
Date Published Tuesday, February 8th, 2005
Previous Comic Episode 512: BRB
Next Comic Episode 514: Cold Shoulder
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The team crashed into an icy tundra without any survival gear. Meanwhile, White Mage is understanding the fact that she is God.

Cast Appearing[]


  • Unnamed tundra
  • The beginning of time


Black Mage Well, it's about a thousand degrees below zero., we have no shelter, no food, supplies of any kind, or combustible materials that aren't our flesh.
I propose we cut open someone's gut so the rest of us can sleep nestled within his warm entrails.
The obvious choice for this sacrifice is Fighter because he is filled with meats.
Fighter It's true!
Red Mage Wait, I have an idea.
I have ice spells! We're saved!
Black Mage Ice spells.
Black Mage Okay, Red Mage just volunteered.
Fighter Aww...
Meanwhile, at the beginning of time...
White Mage I have to tell you, finding out that I'm God has kind of challenged my religious beliefs.
Sarda Why?
White Mage Well, it's all a lie.
Sarda Is it?
I'm reminded of a saying. Something like, "If there was no God, then man would have to make him", you can make there be God.
Sarda And you will know for a fact that it exists and is good.
The question is do you have to make God or...
Do you have faith that your God is a natural part of the cosmos?
That your being here, your participation in the way of things, is part of your journey.
White Mage I hadn't thought of it that way before.
Sarda Well, I am a sage.


  • The title of the comic is a reference to Thus Spoke Zarathustra, a philosophical novel written by German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche under the original title, "Also sprach Zarathustra." One central theme of the book is overcoming humanity and becoming something more, as White Mage does in the episode.