8-Bit Theater
Episode 015
Not maces. Not axes. Not spears
Not maces. Not axes. Not spears. Swords!
A little intellectual conversation.
Date Published April 12th, 2001
Previous Comic Episode 014: Crouching Monkey, Hidden Fighter
Next Comic Episode 016: The Quest to Assault the Elderly!
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Arriving at the town gates, Fighter reveals his excellent conversational skills.

Cast Appearing[]



Black Mage And yelling 'Two-Fisted Monkey Style' doesn't strike you as being really weird?
Fighter Not at all. You see...
Fighter is now surrounded by a wheel of the Chinese zodiac.
Fighter The 12 styles of the Vargus school correspond to the 12 signs of the zodiac. Just as each sign has its own strengths and weaknesses, so too does each style. True mastery comes not from--
Black Mage Forget I asked.

Let's just get into town and beat the living bajeezus out of the old man that took our gold.

Fighter That doesn't sound terribly heroic.
Black Mage Bah! I wants me my gold, y'dig?
And so, at the city gates...
Corneria Guard Welcome to Corneria!
Black Mage Thanks. What's up?
Corneria Guard Welcome to Corneria!
Black Mage thinks for a second.
Black Mage Um. I'm going to talk to my friend now.

Fighter, does anything seem strange to you?

Cuts to Fighter talking to a Corneria Guard.
Corneria Guard Welcome to Corneria!
Fighter I like swords.
Corneria Guard Welcome to Corneria!
Fighter I like swords.
Corneria Guard Welcome to Corneria!
Cut back to Black Mage as Fighter and the Guard continue the above exchange.
Black Mage Urge to destroy the world rising.